(Click on the photos to enlarge)

I have finally noticed the disturbing trends around here.
After some event or trip I'll rush through my processing
and post Part 1 within an hour of returning home.
Two days later Part 2's photos get posted but they will
be from the same hurried editing session.
No care taken at all.

I'm not a photojournalist, I'm a photoblogger with
self-imposed deadlines.
There isn't a single one of you sitting at their
computer waiting for me to post full-frame snapshots.

Breaking the pattern is a step in the right direction, so these are new photoshoppages based on living with my raw results for two days.

Not saying this batch is any better than the last, but knowing that I actually spent some time on my personal favorites has improved the mood around here by 37 percent.
Part one, with its personal story, is very well done. The photographs for part 2 show a more focused theme, and the images are just amazing. Excellent work.
37% ? LOL. So specific.
This is a great set of photos.
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