The image quality from my new camera is pretty freaking sweet.
Double the pixels from my old one, which will take some getting used to on the Photoshop and storage side of things.
Having a second lens that features some serious magnification will surely have an affect on my style.
I haven't taken any 'real' pictures yet (just been "kicking the tires") but I think I'm ready to go out and give it a test drive.
You mentioned photoshop/storage... curious what is your post-processing workflow? I'm always interested to see what software and methods other photographers are using.
I use an old version of ACDSee (32?) for file browsing and viewing. It's much like Windows Explorer but with all kinds of image file handling and display tools. Since I won't even be trying RAW for a few months it still works fine. On the occasions when I choose to shoot in RAW I'll just use whatever Sony gave me for conversion--I hear it's not too bad.
As soon as the card reader is done transferring the pics to my computer I name the folder with the date and the places I shot or event name. (EG: DCIM08_07_29.dixiebar_hwy281night)
I edit with PS 7.0, and rename edits by adding a suffix with the new longest dimension in pixels or inches (eg: DSC00043.1024.jpg) so everything stays together in the original folders--and I don't tag or otherwise organize except for copying files for upload into folders for each website or blog. Once all expected editing is done after a few days, I copy the folder to my external harddrive (Maxtor 100gb--nearly half full) and every two weeks I fill up a CD-R using Roxio Easy CD Creator 5 and a Sony burner set at it's slowest rate--4x.
Folders that are a month old will usually be deleted from my main harddrive to free-up space. This system isn't perfect because I never expected to have almost 30,000 images to dig through when I need to find something, but I can usually remember where stuff is.
When I just need to throw a snapshot onto the web I don't bother waiting for Photoshop to load and just use IrfanView.
I use NeatImage noise reduction for my grittier night photos and band shots but may not need it as much anymore.
Stereo Photo Maker is what I use for my 3D compositing.
Photomatix for HDR.
Everything but PS, ACDSee and Roxio are free versions I downloaded.
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