Thursday, October 08, 2009

Death Visits Views Of Texas

It's probably going to slow down again around here for some time.
Blog Death is here, and he's demanding my attention.

First, there's Los Spurs.
Pre-Season has already started and I've made a personal commitment to become an even bigger (and more annoying) fan than ever before.
After many years of depending on just cable TV and the SA Express-News for my data and opinion, towards the end of last year I stumbled upon a wild internet forum that's been good for keeping the black and silver components of my blood circulating during the long hot summer.
From there I recently found 48 Minutes Of Hell, which isn't bad for a blog written by some college kid.
The regular season starts before Halloween, which brings us to part 2.

Unlike 2008, it looks like I'm not working on Halloween Night.
After a much-needed year off I'm eager to terrorize the street again, then give them all good candy.
As always, my goal is to get at least one person to admit in front of their group that they momentarily lost control of their bladder.
It's happened a few times before and never fails to make me proud of my work.
Especially when it happens to a parent.
Much work is needed because until very recently my calendar had something pencilled-in for the 31st, and suddenly it's too late.

What I'm saying is that I need to get my head in the game(s) and can't predict if this means more pics of what I'm doing or less photos overall because I'm super-busy.
And how will I compensate for the loss of Witch #1, who got free tickets to the Notre Dame game at the AlamoDome that night?

Above pic is of my new skull.
It's good to finally have a spare after they discontinued parts for the one I have.

Much more anatomically correct than my old skull, this one's a little smaller than lifesize but close enough.
The single new aquisition in '09 and I only bought it for photos, with no idea how it can be used in the show.
Much work to be done...

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