Thursday, September 22, 2005

Bugging Out

If you watched M*A*S*H you know what a "Bug Out" is.
Those Texans who are being advised to evacuate
are doing so in record numbers thanks to the lessons
learned with Katrina in Louisiana and Mississippi.
In San Antonio we have lit the OPEN sign again,
so feel free to crash on our couches.
Y'all be careful!


Matthew Robertson said...

Even without the context of the caption this would be one of the best 'bug' shots I've seen. The composition and the use of lines is perfect, giving excellent structure to the photo and providing a photographic context for the subject to live in -- insects as photojournalism -- a rare and valuable achievement.

It looks like your subject has a story or two to tell of her own. Very nice.

Keith Alan K said...

Wow, Thanks!
That's high praise for a shot looking up the side of a trash can in front of a convenience store.
I'm glad I didn't have my +3 macro lens with me, or the background would have been ruined.
The photo was the result of an intense minute's work thursday afternoon, made possible by the Sony F717's swivel body.
The "caption" wrote itself as soon as I had the title.
Thanks, M.