Thursday, January 26, 2006


When my brother gave me some cuttings from his
Christmas Cactus, I appreciated the gift and took good
care of them over the last year or so.
But as succulents go it seemed rather flat and unimpressive.
My opinion changed just before this past Holiday Season
when it lived-up to it's name and gave us a welcome splash
of color.
This photo is of the best current blossom, and I wish I had
taken some photos of the previous ones, too.
It's not done yet, so maybe something in a nice purple color
will show up here in the next few weeks.
Thanks, Bro. It really livens-up our kitchen.
(Click on the image for an 800x600 version)
While it might look like I used some serious PhotoShop effects
to get the smooth look you see here, this is actually very close to
the original jpg from my Sony F717 camera.
Good lighting and camera settings are all you really need
to produce photos like this.

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