Wednesday, January 10, 2007

2006 In Review?

No, not exactly.
While many bloggers like to re-run their favorites from the previous year, and that's a really good idea, instead I'm going to post some photos that didn't make the grade but which represent stories worth telling.
Anything to be different.

This flower is less than an inch across.
(Gotta love the F717's macro abilities--click on it to see what I mean)
Someone gave us an unidentified cutting last summer, and it grew fast and strong.
It would only bloom for a day, once in October and this one in November, so catching this flower on a pretty day was lucky.

On the wall of a building at the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center is this giant veladora or religious candle.
There was some controversy surrounding it, seeing as how people at the center were being laid-off while the huge art cost over $100,000.
I still haven't gotten what I consider a good photo of it because it's not in a neighborhood that I feel very safe entering so I rushed through the shoot while looking over my shoulder.
The other buildings are pretty cool, too, so it's a goal for 2007.

More almost-ran photos next time.

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