Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday Favorite--Rails Around The World

From April 16, 2005.
I was just one of several hundred photographers who participated in "Rails Around The World" on that date.
Everyone uploaded a train-related photo taken on 4/16/05 in their country, state, city--it was a lot of fun and kind of historic.

I remember shooting an event downtown for several hours (Accordian Festival?) and hoping all the while that I might catch a train before sunset so I could participate in RATW 2005.
To get a CPS coal train was pure good luck, as it was not only my first one but also gave me an educational post here at Views of Texas.

You might notice that the photo above wasn't in my original blog post.
That's because until now it was only shown on the website that sponsored RATW, despite being my most popular train photo up to that point in the strange online world of railfans.
The power of this coal train leaning into a curve really made an impact, and in later voting I received eight 9s and a 10, for a 9.11 on a 10 scale.

Within a year or so I grew tired of constantly driving around haunting the rails and trying to please such a small audience. Photo-blogging about many different subjects had become much more satisfying and helped me branch out into more advanced styles and techniques, although I learned a lot from the railfan photographers early in my career.
I'm still active on a limited basis at the same site where RATW happened, but only when I stumble upon something that might interest them.

In other news: Loud Nine will NOT be performing this Saturday, and I'm pissed-off about it.
The final version of The Hitmen will be winging-it at Oasis.
I'll be running sound for Bliss at Hooligan's.

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