Monday, May 12, 2014

Onward To The Capitol

After a nice lunch at Threadgill's, that is. 


It's inspiring from the outside, partly because it's bigger than the Federal one in DC. Security was fairly stiff, which I forgot to expect. My camera bag was full of all kinds of sharp and burny things that get emptied out before I fly anywhere, but after a few apologies combined with my joking attitude entry was obtained without getting charged with a crime.  

This was my first visit to the center of Texas government, and it was beautiful and inspiring. 
Nice restrooms, too. Definitely going back. 


Dave said...

Your pictures came out so much better than mine!

I love that the historic building is mostly preserved and that as things needed modernization, they simply built a huge underground complex to house the ever expanding government offices.

Keith Alan K said...

I made it a point to check out the skylights for the underground part, as you mentioned in your more comprehensive report not long ago.