Thursday, September 02, 2010

Random Stuff

Sylvia has a new office at work, so naturally she needs some of my prints hanging on the walls. A mini-gallery that'll hopefully result in some sales.
We're thinking 3 frames with a rotating group of themes.
Summer means my best beach sunsets and waterfalls, autumn is good for landscapes and night shots, winter gets our Christmas card pictures and then some infrareds, and for spring I'm leaning towards bugs and critters and flowers.

Unfortunately, my last 2 harddrive failures wiped out almost all of my final print files, so I've been going through all the backup CDs to grab the originals.
This is tedious, but I'm looking forward to PhotoShopping them again with a few more years of experience and hopefully more mature tastes.

One cool thing is that I'm finding treasures--long forgotten photos and alternate versions that I like better.

These two have never been seen by anyone but me before now:

And Now For Something Completely Different:
I don't remember where I heard about this movie, but after Googling "black dynamite trailer" I knew I had to have it.
In fact, this is the first time I have ever paid $20 for a DVD.

If you liked Shaft and the later "Blaxploitation" flicks, or enjoyed I'm Gonna Get You Sucka, you'll LOVE Black Dynamite!

It's a spoof of that whole genre from the late '60s through the '70s, which were notable for saving the film industry from collapse long before Star Wars and Jaws were incorrectly given credit for that feat.

Continuity errors, the same stuntman getting killed 6 times, mic booms intruding on the frame, bad dialog, it's all there for you and your friends to try and spot.
They used stock footage from Charlie's Angels and SWAT, etc, for car chase and helicopter scenes.
The music by Adrian Younge is new and all original, but recorded using strictly period instruments and studio gear--it's funky!
Characters include Creamed Corn, Captain Kangaroo Pimp, and Pat & Richard Nixon.

The kung fu is awesome.
Stars Michael Jai White and Byron Minns are great, but Tommy Davidson almost steals the show.

This movie is so intentionally bad, it's hilarious.
Best watched with a couple 40s of malt liquor.


Albatross said...

Nice use of the wandering bar chair as a holder for Black Dynamite!

Keith Alan K said...

Thanks for noticing!