Friday, February 16, 2007

Has It Been Two Years?

Yes, today is the 2-Year Anniversary here at Views Of Texas.
315 posts with 546 photos.
Over 18,546 page views.
And at least ten times the word-count of your average photoblog, maybe more.
I want to extend a big thank-you to all of my visitors, especially those who take the time and trouble to leave comments.
If the counter at the bottom didn't keep climbing so fast I would have axed this site long ago.

Please click on the photo to enlarge it
This will be the last tree post for a while, I promise.
This pine is in a local park, and can't be more than four or five feet tall.
I don't recall exactly because for most of the time I spent with it, I was laying on the ground trying to get the best angle and exposure.
The clouds were moving and changing very quickly due to high altitude winds, so photos taken even a minute apart are completely different.
This one had the best sky, but some of the others are pretty cool, too.
It was a tough choice to make.

I was in manual mode and using a polarizing filter.
The exposure was set at a -2EV underexposure metered for the sky, with the underside of the tree brought up using fill flash.
Not much of a message with this, except that even a naturally pretty scene can be improved with some creative camera work, so it's more of a showcase for technique than anything else.
Good practice for when something really interesting is happening under similar conditions.

The Rodeo was great yesterday, and I got a ton of pictures.
So many in fact that I'll need to break it up into at least three posts, starting tomorrow night.

Have a good weekend, and thanks again for stopping by.


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I love, love this picture.

Matthew Robertson said...

Congratulations on your first two years. That's a fantastic shot -- could you imaging doing something that sophisticated two years ago? You're doing great work, and don't worry about where it takes you. Post as many tree photos as you like.

Bruce said...

Happy Second Anniversary. Your work continues to awe and to inspire.

Keith Alan K said...

Thanks for the trifecta y'all!! I knew I could depend on my three best blog-buddies to comment today.
BTW, do you guys visit each other's sites, too?
I get inspiration, ideas and comfort from each of you.