Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Water Water Everywhere

Two weeks ago I was watering the grass, trying to start us towards a greener year than we had in drought-stricken 2006.
Since I'm working on a "Fountains At Night" series of prints and want to have a handful of radically different lighting techniques ready-to-use for different situations, it seemed like a good idea to use my sprinkler for practice.

This photo was lit with a spotlight only, moving it rapidly across the water from the left side. This "froze" more drops during the long exposure than a flash could have and thus fattened-up the amount of water in the picture.

There's a bit too much light spilling onto the ground for my tastes, but a "snoot" on the spotlight will constrict the beam and make all the difference. It's already been built and tested.

Thunderstorms, often severe, hit the area Sunday through Tuesday, so practice is on hold until things dry out a little. I just fertilized so the rain came at the perfect time. I wasn't expecting so much, though.

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